CouchDB poll!!!

I’d like to know how people is using CouchDB and I couldn’t find a better way than asking it!

The very first question is if you are actually using it, evaluating it, playing with it, curious about it… Might also be interesting knowing if recent movement of Damien Katz (leaving Apache CouchDB) might affect your decision.

Then if you use it from one of programming language or deploy your application inside CouchDB, or is it a HTML/JavaScript application that uses AJAX for interacting with CouchDB…

Third question is for people using it from Java and wondering about which API / library are you using…

Please, leave any comment or question that you would like to have included in this poll.

CouchDB beam uses 100% of CPU and network

While playing around with CouchDB I have observed that my system was running really slow (actually first of all I notice it heating) and the System Monitor showed that both CPU was at 100% and network usage was very high. The responsible for this was beam.

Doing some Google research I found that beam was related to CouchDB but the only thing that I was trying to do is connecting to a CouchDb server and after getting a DB Connector using a wrong user/password combination, try to create a document.

Debugging my Java code I found that the system was running some code in Apache HTTP client that for some reason did not finish (showing an error or throwing an Exception) but keep trying and trying.

Trying to find the problem I downloaded the sources of the latest version (4.2) of httpclient, httpclient-cache and httpcore for debugging them and … surprise! the problem disappear. Then I downloaded the sources for version 4.1.1 (the one that I was using before) and failed again.

Conclusion: If you have problems with beam and you are using apache-http version try upgrading it.


CouchDB & Java

For this project I have chosen jcouchdb because of its simplicity. This is not the most powerful library in Java for interfacing with CouchDB but it is very easy using it AND meets my requirements.

You can find more libraries in CouchDB Wiki and probably you should consider taking a look into Ektorp since it has a lot of nice features that might be very useful when mapping CouchDB documents into Java object. BUT, CouchDB is about schema-less documents and so is OnaBai so I don’t need to map Java into CouchDB or viceversa.